1 - Legal information regarding the company

You are currently connected to the website of:

WINE BANKERS & Co, a limited company under French law (“société à responsabilité limitée”) with share capital of €20,000, with its head office at 32, rue Notre Dame des Victoires – 75002 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry (“Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés”) under number 512 495 565 and member of ACIFTE (Analystes et Conseillers en Investisements Finance et Transmission d'Entreprises). WINE BANKERS & Co is also registered as a real estate broker by the French “Préfecture de Police” (French Police Headquarters) under number T13865.

2 - Aim of the website : Information

The purpose of the site is to present WINE BANKERS & Co and its business.

This website and all information on this site are provided strictly for information purposes. No transactions may be carried out on this site.

Any information may be amended by WINE BANKERS & Co without prior notice.

The information available on this site is provided in good faith and cannot be binding on WINE BANKERS & Co. WINE BANKERS & Co may not be held liable for any errors or delays in the provision of information.

The official language of the site is French. The site is subject to French law and under French jurisdiction.

3 - Intellectual property rights

This entire site is the property of WINE BANKERS & Co.

The content of this site is protected by the intellectual property and copyright laws. It is subject to Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the information on this site is prohibited. The content is available for private, and not public, use.

Article L. 122-5.2° and 3°a of the French Intellectual Property Code only authorizes copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copyist and not for public use, and analyses and short quotes used as examples or illustrations. Any full or partial representation or reproduction without the consent of the author, his or her beneficial owners or assignees, is illegal (Article L. 122-4). Such representation or reproduction by any means whatsoever would therefore represent an infringement prohibited under Article L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Text and image copyright:

Users of WINE BANKERS & Co’s website undertake to adhere to the intellectual property rules for the various content offered on this site, that is:

Not to reproduce, summarize, modify, change or republish any article, title, application, software package, logo, brand, information, illustration or photograph without the prior authorization of WINE BANKERS & Co, other than for strictly private use, which excludes any reproduction for professional purposes or mass distribution,
Not to copy all or part of the site onto another site or internal company network,
Not to create a link.

4 - Hyperlink

With the prior agreement of WINE BANKERS & Co, a hyperlink can be created for all Internet sites, excluding those issuing information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or to a larger extent that may offend the sensitivities of the general public. Under no circumstances should the pages of the site be included in the pages of another site (frame).

Web design

Tomate & Risson
62, rue du faubourg Poissonnière - 75010 PARIS - FRANCE

Web development

3, rue de l’Eperon - 77000 MELUN - FRANCE
tel : 01 64 09 48 04

Web hosting

2 rue Kellermann - 59100 ROUBAIX - FRANCE
tel : 08 20 32 03 63